
“When I first contracted your services, I told you that  I needed a wordsmith.  In you, I got one.  Did I ever!”

Kim McDonald, Director – Alpine Valley Real Estate 

Thank you for coming to my site. 

I’m here (see photo below) to solve your writing problem.

And, as you have landed on this page, it’s a fair bet that you have one.

Tongue-in-cheek, the American journalist and author, Gene Fowler, once wrote, ‘Writing is easy; all you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until the drops of blood form on your forehead.’

I know how Fowler felt, and it might be how you are feeling.

Writing is not easy!

Perhaps you are really busy and your writing need (which requires thought, reflection and research . . . quite apart from the writing itself) demands time . . . which you just don’t have. 

Or it could be that you lack confidence that you can do the writing at the standard you have in mind . . . . and it would be better if it was done for you.  In admitting it, good for you!  (That’s precisely the reason why I pay a first-class mechanic to look after my car.) 

If you are indeed looking for some writing help, call me . . . you have everything to gain.

Owen Stickels,writer

Yes, that’s me!  Or in my schoolboy French, ‘Oui, c’est moi!’  (Damn hard learning the language as an adult.  Should have started when I was two.)

But, I digress . . .

It’s March, 2019, and I’m climbing Mount Bogong, Victoria’s highest peak at 6,516′.  Every year the local Lions Club organises a supervised climb up the slope known as ‘The Staircase’ – a ‘strenuous’ climb.  Here I’ve reached Bivouac Hut (together with some 300 others) – a bit over halfway up.  Time to take my ease for 15 minutes or so with some coffee and half a banana and peanut-butter sandwich.

As this page is ABOUT me, it’s a good idea to let you know what I look like.  “Face to a name’ and all that.